This post introduces how to convert a KataGo network to a Core ML model.

Convert a Katago network to a Core ML model

Borrow an Intel-based Macbook, and install Tensorflow 1.5. Then, follow this gist to convert a Katago network.

Generate an Xcode project from KataGo

cmake -G Xcode cpp -DUSE_BACKEND=OPENCL

Create coremlbackend.swift

This step enables Xcode create a Swift header file for a Core ML model.

Import a Core ML model to the Xcode project

Drag the Core ML model file to the project navigator of Xcode project from Finder.

Specifically select Core ML model class generation language to Swift

Project navigator -> katago -> Build Settings -> CoreML Model Class Generation Language -> Swift

Build Xcode project to generate the Core ML model class

Check the generated Core ML model class

Project navigator -> the imported Core ML model -> Click Model Class -> See the Editor for the generated Core ML model class

Implement coremlbackend.swift to use the Core ML model


import Foundation
import CoreML

class CoreMLBackend : NSObject {
    @objc func doSomething(input: MLMultiArray) throws -> MLMultiArray {
        let swa_model_bin_inputs = input
        let swa_model_global_inputs = input
        let swa_model_include_history = input
        let swa_model_symmetries = input
        let model = try kata1_b40c256_s11840935168_d2898845681()
        let input = kata1_b40c256_s11840935168_d2898845681Input(
            swa_model_bin_inputs: swa_model_bin_inputs,
            swa_model_global_inputs: swa_model_global_inputs,
            swa_model_include_history: swa_model_include_history,
            swa_model_symmetries: swa_model_symmetries)
        let output = try model.prediction(input: input)
        return output.swa_model_policy_output

Make an Objective-C bridge to the Swift

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreML/MLMultiArray.h>
#import "katago-Swift.h"

void get_coremlbackend_policy_output() {
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSArray<NSNumber *> *shape3x3 = @[@3, @3];

    MLMultiArray *input = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:shape3x3 dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat error: &error];

    [[[CoreMLBackend alloc] init] doSomethingWithInput: input error: &error];

Create the Objective-C header file for C++


#ifndef coremlbackend_h
#define coremlbackend_h

void get_coremlbackend_policy_output();

#endif /* coremlbackend_h */

Call the Objective-C bridge from C++


#include "../neuralnet/coremlbackend.h"

Update (2023-06-07)

  • KataGo v1.12.4-coreml1 supports model version 11, which is trained on PyTorch. Notably, with Apple’s support for PyTorch on the Apple M1 Pro, you can now convert a KataGo network of PyTorch to a Core ML model without needing an Intel-based Macbook.
  • For more information about KataGo Core ML model, please see this release page.